
Corporate Governance

Structure & Governance

ATIDI has a unique structure, which is based on our dual mandate. We have both a commercial and a developmental mandate. This means that we work toward profitability while also supporting the developmental objectives of our African member countries.

ATIDI is regulated by the ATIDI Treaty and other Associated Legal Instruments (Articles of Association and Participation Agreements). In 2022, ATIDI carried out a comprehensive review of its Treaty and Associated Legal Instruments in order to align the legal instruments with international best practice. The revised ATIDI Treaty and Associated Legal Instruments were adopted by the Shareholders at the Twenty-Second (22nd) Annual General Meeting held in Accra, Ghana on 23rd June, 2022.

The fundamental changes introduced in the revised ATIDI Treaty amongst others, include the reclassification of ATIDI’s classes of shares and the review of the composition of the Board of Directors to enable the introduction of up to two Independent Directors. The revised edition of the ATIDI Treaty can be accessed here

As outlined by the ATIDI Treaty, the highest policy organ is the General Assembly Meeting of the shareholders. A Board of Directors governs the organization. Board members are appointed for three years renewable once by the General Assembly, which meets annually.

The Directors are responsible for managing the business and general operations of the institution. To streamline their processes, the Board established four committees to support ATIDI better:

  • Strategy and Finance Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Risk Committee; and
  • Human Resources and Governance Committee.

These committees support the Board of Directors in fulfilling its supervisory and monitoring duties concerning the assurance of the integrity of the organization’s state of affairs.

ATIDI’s Governance Structure

General Meeting

  • Represents all members & holds authority over key administrative and financial management issues

Board of Directors

  • Represents the classes of shareholders


  • Manages the day-to-day operations of the Agency

ATIDI Treaty

Click here to view.